
As I have mentioned here before, I am one for supporting independent brands - that may be local or international. I had a privilege to work with Black Rain Paris, a brand inspired by nightlife and rough underworld. Black Rain is a fusion of Parisian elegance and dark luxury / strong visuals vs urban aesthetic.

A few days ago, they launched the website and released the first collection.
"The idea behind this 1st collection was to play around the new urban explorer, where clothes are becoming a kind of costume / armour and draw a parallel with Samurai Warriors. 'Black Rain is the Samurai 2.0, when the warrior drops the Japanese sword for an assault rifle in response to the violence of our modern society'." 
- Xavier (owner of the brand)

I think that most times, 'urban' and 'elegance' combined together can be much pretentious. This campaign managed to present the street and luxury infusion in high quality and without any pretense.

Models: Chariza Miranda, Daniel Pacitti
Photography: Margaret Nowak

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