


AHH! (insert lots of heart eyes emojis here) DOGGOS DOGGOS DOGGOS!

Just in time for hearts day, I met with the cutest and the most handsome pooches in town, Ryo and Winston. 12/10 - best date ever!

'OMG so cute' dates with amazing woofers are hard to come by. When Hello Hariet invited me to hang out with Ryo to model their dainty jewels made for floofers and their humans, I tried not to scream too loud, and said yes of course. It's one opportunity I wouldn't ever say no to. Ryo is a 3 y/o Shiba Inu from West London and is the most chill dog I've ever met. Adorable moments were shared and to my surprise, I was greeted by another fluff ball, Winston, a charming corgi with the cheekiest character. There was a lot of free hugs, smooches and smiles. "So Valentine, Much Affection" for sure!

Check out the full Free Hugs Lookbook: (you won't be disappointed)

Floofers - dogs and cats, they make me the most cheerful. I've been a follower of Hello Hariet for a long time now and if you're a crazy animal person, you MUST know them by now! If you don't. What are you doing?!

photography: Rachel Oates
best baes: Ryo, Winston


  1. This is the most upbeat blog post I've seen all day, they're the cutest pictures, it has fully made my day! awwwww

    Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    1. Aw I'm glad it did! I can't get over how adorable the day was x


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